‘Shimmer and Shine’, a member’s view on the Christmas Party 2021
The end of year dance in 2021 was a precious and unique experience to me and it ended with style the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Folk Dance Group of Canberra.
Teenage World Dance Class at FDC
Folk dance has a quality that I have never seen in other forms of dance, a warmth about it that is unrivalled. It’s in the togetherness of the group when they are dancing: the shared smiles and big laughs and the physical connection of holding hands in a circle or clinging on for dear life as you buzz yourself dizzy.
FDC Performing at the Multicultural Festival in Canberra, February 2020
This year we were especially drawn to Folk Dance Canberra’s performance on Stage 6 at the Multicultural Festival on Saturday. We joined the appreciative audience to watch the only truly ‘international’ showcase of dances at the festival – all the others were ‘national’, we think.
Impressions of Tanya Dimitrova’s Bulgarian Dance Workshop, August 2019
Tanya proved to be a powerhouse of a teacher at the advanced dance workshop on Monday evening, with an ever-ready smile and a great sense of fun that was much appreciated by all who attended.
Why what we do matters
It has now been 1 year and 8 months since I joined the Monday class of FDC Hackett. This has been a profoundly uplifting experience, and I feel the need to express why what we do matters to me. By Katerina Kormusheva The wooden clock tower of Pazardzhik in the old posters.